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Wing Foil Fest Under the Golden Gate Bridge

Seeing the people on the cliff, whether they were fellow wingers or other sports enthusiasts, just stopping by to check it out or tourists from out of town, all had the same opinion: “Wow, this is really cool to watch.” Even a kid was saying, “Oh, here comes the blue guy, here comes the guy in yellow again,” and he was super stoked. Watching them inspired me to want to get out there, get a smaller board, and learn how to ride at this high level in rough water. Now, I am super stoked and can’t wait to get back there.—Clay Island

https://clayisland.com/learn-to-foil/ Learn to foil surf video course.

Wing Foilers: Johnny, Jean, Ben, Steve, Kai,

Here is a Facebook post where I tagged some of the foilers to see more about them: https://www.facebook.com/ClayIsland/p…

Here is a Instagram post where I tagged some of the foilers to see more about them: https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5iuDFAzAr/

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